RG103i: Resolve Color Matrix

  • 15 Jul 2020
  • 17 Jul 2020
  • Virtual Class (Zoom)

Instructor: Kevin Shaw

Price: £720

Click here to register

This is a live online class ideal for all Resolve users - you do not need to be a colorist to attend. We welcome directors, DPs, editors, DITs, VFX colorists, and anybody that needs to balance, match and creatively grade images. It explores colorist theory, color psychology, color managed workflows and of course getting the most out of the resolve color grading tools. If you are planning to learn more about color grading and look management, this is the perfect starter class.

Explore the Resolve grading tools. Learn all the tricks to balance pictures better and quicker. Understand the effects of long grading sessions, how to trust your eyes and how to manage color constancy. Improve your matching techniques, including simplifying and condensing a grade or look. The goal is not just efficiency but also the highest quality, eliminating muddy grades. Everyone is encouraged to use their own ungraded media in addition to the course media.

This class is usually taken as the base class for any of Kevin's structured learning programs.

Virtual machines can be provided for a small additional cost.

All students on this course receive an ICA Digital Certificate (pdf).

Read the full course description.