CA301: HDR Colorist Masterclass

  • 14 Feb 2020
  • 15 Feb 2020
  • Foshan, China

Instructor: Kevin Shaw

Price: CNY 5,888

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Learn to take full advantage of new workflows and develop new skills for HDR and other new standards. Ideal for colorists and industry professionals that will encounter ACES, High Dynamic Range (HDR including Dolby Vision), UHD, Rec 2020, and wide color gamut. The course begins with ACES and other color managed workflows, and includes an overview of Dolby Vision mastering. We look at how grades and looks are affected by these new developments and which tools are most useful to achieve bigger better color. Finally, we explore how to deliver exciting new looks and experiences in the new formats.​ English with Chinese translation.

​这堂课程适合所有在工作中将会用到ACES, HDR高动态范围(包括Dolby Vision的HDR),UHD,Rec 2020和广色域的调色师和业内专业人士。该课程从ACES和其他色彩管理工作流程开始,包括Dolby Vision的概述,看看这些最新技术如何让调色的风格跟着改变,以及哪些工具能够让颜色更显惊艳。


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