TC101, TC102 & TC103: ICA Video Training, Level I, II, Lion AV HDR Training (Amsterdam)

  • 18 Sep 2019
  • 20 Sep 2019
  • Amsterdam

Instructor: Gregg Loewen

Price: $2499

Click here to register

TC101: This ICA workshop provides you with the necessary tools to start checking and calibrating monitors and projectors. You will learn about various monitor technologies including: LED, OLED, and DLP, LCOS, and LCD projectors. Students will work with the latest HD and SD test discs to achieve the best results with minimal equipment.

TC102: This course will take video professionals to the next level. Two full days of supervised, hands-on practice. This ICA workshop provides you with the necessary tools to start offering monitor calibration services immediately. During the interactive session, you will work with professional calibration equipment from manufacturers such as Minolta, Photo Research, Lumagen, Gretag MacBeth, Quantum Data, JETI, and Murideo. You will also receive hands-on training on various monitor technologies including: LED, OLED, and DLP, LCOS, and LCD projectors. Students will also work with high end video processors (LUT boxes) and multiple high end Blu-Ray and UHD players loaded with the latest HD and SD test discs.

TC103: For those that have mastered Level 2 calibrations and want to extend their skills to HDR. Discover new workflows and the use of 3D Luts for perfect calibrations. 

Read the full course description.