Instructor: Kevin Shaw
Price: GBP £840
Note: Early bird discount to £780 currently available. Limited places. This is a two day ICA-certified course. Each student will be provided with an iMac workstation and Resolve software; the course is, however, relatively system agnostic. You are encouraged to bring your own material to work with and discuss but media will also be provided. Laptop systems can be bought in if you prefer. Ideal for colorists, cinematographers, DITs, and directors that will encounter ACES, High Dynamic Range (HDR including Dolby Vision), UHD, Rec 2020, and wide color gamut.
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Take full advantage of new workflows and develop new skills for HDR and other new standards. Ideal for colorists and industry professionals that will encounter ACES, High Dynamic Range (HDR including Dolby Vision), UHD, Rec 2020, and wide color gamut. We look at how grades and looks are affected by these new developments and which tools are most useful to achieve bigger better color.
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